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What Is Covered in Workplace Fire Warden Training?

Since the introduction of Australian Standard 3745-2010 — which covers the planning for emergencies in all sorts of facilities — came into force, fire warden training has become much more extensive. It is always worth booking yourself onto a fire warden training course that is nationally accredited so that you are equipped with all of the skills and knowledge required to safely evacuate a place of work, no matter where it might be in the country. If you are thinking about undergoing fire warden training, then what are the aspects of dealing with blazes in the workplace that you can expect to learn about?

Fire Warden Legal and Regulatory Requirements

These go beyond the aforementioned Australian standard and may include regulations that cover the sort of industry that you work in or certain local state regulations that could easily place more responsibilities on you as a fire warden.

Investigation Techniques

This part of your training will allow you to assess any emergency incident that occurs. Of course, the focus is on fires, but other sorts of likely incidents are covered, including how to deal appropriately with alarms that are falsely sounding, for example.

Raising the Alarm

This part of your fire warden training will explain what to do to ensure everyone under your responsibility knows there is a safety issue and how you should notify the emergency services.


Training will include advice on the best evacuation techniques, including organising safe muster locations and dealing with the evacuation of people with limited mobility.

Bomb Threat Procedures

As you might expect, this part of fire warden training covers what you will need to do in the case of explosive threats.

Building Fire Safety

This part of your training covers measures you can take to help prevent fires in the first place as well as good practices for ensuring evacuations are possible at all times.

Fire Warden Procedures

As well as understanding what to do in the event of a fire, your training will also focus on how to keep records and how to ensure that you are easily identifiable as a warden during an emergency situation.

Fire Alarms and Communications

As well as gaining a basic technical level of expertise in fire alarm technology, you should be taught about communication systems that can be used in the event of a fire, such as the correct use of walkie-talkies, for example.

Developing Plans

All workplaces change over time, so fire warden training will also need to focus on techniques for adapting and altering your emergency planning to cope with differing circumstances.

Human Psychology

Many fire training courses for wardens now include an element of education surrounding human behaviour and ideas on what you can do when people are placed under stress, such as might occur when a fire breaks out in the workplace.